Products.We try and make it as simple as possible for our customers. Our product options are intended to provide flexible solutions at the most competitive rates in the industry.
Managed Service - PartOur Managed Service - Part product gives you a part time resource at your service. Starting at a minimum of 20 hours a week, the time can be used anyway you wish. Wether this is development, business analyst or architecture we are here to be your extended workforce.
Managed Service - FullFor those customers that need a full time resource but don't want to deal with the hassle of hiring, managing and maintaining headcount, our Managed Service - Full product gives you all the benefits of a full time employee without the administrative overheard. At 40 hours a week, this resource is solely working on your requirements and needs.
ProjectDo you know the specific project you need completed? Our Project product provides you full support for an entire project. We scope and estimate the length and time of the project and only get paid based on milestone completion dates of the project. We work closely with you to ensure complete project success.