Engagements.Don't believe the hype. See the customer engagements yourself. Below are just a few of the many projects Dayeh Inc. has spearheaded and been fortunate enough to showcase at some of the industry's top conferences.
Dreamforce 2019 - Mobile Keynote - The Future of Enterprise MobilitySalesforce has reimagined enterprise mobility! Join us to learn about how to empower everyone to build, customize, brand, and deploy mobile apps to customers, partners, and employees. Dan McCall, VP of Mobile Product Management will give a glimpse if what Elias Dayeh has done with his customer Corning Inc.
Dreamforce 2017 - Crawl, Walk, Fall, Then Run: How to Deploy SalesforceStarting a new Salesforce implementation? Perhaps you're thinking of overhauling outdated Salesforce processes? Are you unsure of where to start or worried you're biting off more than you can chew? Join us to to outline the key steps of a Salesforce project and set yourself up for success by leveraging a phased approach. Learn from Elias Dayeh and how his customer, Dtex Systems, has skinned their knees at some point along the way and picked themselves up, dusted themselves off, and started to run.
Subscribed 2017 - Disrupted or Disruptor - How Saas Companies are DistrubingGlobal dynamics and technology are enabling the disruption of old industries such as farming and waste management, and rapidly creating new markets across the map, from communication to transportation, and even marijuana technology. Elias Dayeh moderates a panel and discusses how SaaS companies are innovating at such a rapid pace? Learn from some of the fastest growing SaaS companies, including MJ Freeway, DataBricks, and TeamSnap, about how how today’s SaaS is capitalizing on shifting trends and changing the playing field.
Subscribed 2015 - Don't Reinvent it, Perfect it, Make Zuora Your OwnBusiness requirements which don’t quite fit the mold? No worries! Learn about different ways Zuora products have been extended, and get inspired to implement your own extensions. Customize Zuora to meet your needs. Deep dive into some of the extensions subscribers have built on the Zuora platform.
Dreamforce 2015 - Motorola Mobility and HerokuAs with most billion dollar companies, Motorola Mobility is constantly looking at ways to increase efficiencies while decreasing it's time to launch. Motorola manufactures best in class Android devices and has decreased the testing and launching process time of its award winning devices by 10x. Learn from Elias Dayeh and how his team used Heroku and Salesforce solutions to have help Motorola save time, increase visibility, and eliminate manual processing.
WEBINAR 2014 - How the Salesforce1 Platform Accelerates App Dev w/ Huge ROIHow is PaaS transforming the way companies develop apps? Run the numbers with IDC and see how any size company can benefit from moving to a cloud platform. Join us on April 24th to hear how IDC interviewed Dayeh Inc's Elias Dayeh and other Salesforce customers and measured the speed of app development on the Salesforce1 Platform.
Dreamforce 2014 - Be an IT Hero: How to Deliver 520% ROI Building Custom AppsWhat will happen when your platform investments generate a 520% percent ROI? Join us to discover the secrets behind massive ROI on the Salesforce1 Platform with IT leaders from Motorola Mobility, New England Biolabs, and Ritchie Brothers. Elias Dayeh shows you how he integrated JIRA, Apttus, EchoSign, Zuora and Salesforce to save both hours and clicks for his organization.
Customer Spotlight 2014 - The power of the Zuora PlatformElias Dayeh showcases a unique and powerful use case of Zuora. Utilizing the Zuora payments platform, Motorola Mobility is able to automate and integrate their royalty accounting solution and pay their third party software partners quickly and efficiently.
Subscribed 2013 - The COO PerspectiveGet a the COO Perspective. Dayeh Inc. was a panelist and shared the stage with the industry leading technology companies Box, Zendesk, DemandForce and Medrio as they discussed their unique implementations of Zuora. Elias's unique use of the Zuora platform provided an interesting take from a panel of industry veterans.
Featured in customer print ads for Salesforce (Dreamforce 2011 and 2012) and Zuora (Subscribed 2014 and 2017)